I don't have a humankind life but owl-kind!!!!! and it seems I proud of it! ;D yeaah, when I compare, I can see more evidences about it! just look at my eyes! how similar they are ;DDDD

so, this is my timeline life in past 3days:
April 25 12:00noon-7:30pm researching and PowerPoint making/ time wasting/ facebooking/ chatting/ dancing
7:30-10:30 gathering/discussions about green movement with Physics professor of UVa!!!!!!
April 25-26 10:30pm-5:30am researching and PowerPoint making/ time wasting/ facebooking/ chatting/ dancing
April 26 5:30-8:30 am (3hours) sleeping
8:30-10:00 am preparing for class which I finally skipped!!!!
10:00am-4:00pm (6hours) sleeping
April 26-27 4:00pm-4:00am PowerPoint making/ time wasting/ facebooking/ chatting/ dancing
April 27 4:00-8:00am (4hours) sleeping
10:00-1:45 classes and presentation entitled "Spaces of Democracy" 12:00-12:30pm. Enjoyed it!!!!
Being interviewed! I am subject of a paper! this such a lifestyle definitely categorize you as the strange human type, interesting for sociological studies!!! 2:00-3:00
4:30-8:00pm (4hours) sleeping
April 27-28 working on paper/ time wasting/ facebooking/ chatting/ dancing 8:00pm-8:00am
April 28 class on 10. we had 1 guest lecturer about modern technologies and present day approached to design/form making/mathematical design and I, likewise always, became more than sure that I hate these stuffs and approaches :P
11:45-12:15pm (half an hour) sleeping
1:00-3:30pm Raphael class and paper due
4:00pm-12am (8hours) sleeping
there is no need to read them all! the summery is I slept 12 hours out of total 84 hours and I researched, made PowerPoint, Photoshop-designed, wasted time, Facebooked, chatted and amused and danced and danced and danced myself in the rest!!!
the normal human body have to sleep one third of his time! it means 24! haha! I just had half of that! I know it's kind of craziness, but yet it make me feel cheerful: I am so professional to lie to my body even!!! I mean befor this post, even myself didn't noticed that how much sleep-needed I am!!!!!!! ;D
here are some diagrams which I made for Raphael research. I found them interesting to share (as I even compare his works with modern painters such as Piet Mondrian and diconstructivist artists)!! :P take a look and enjoy!!!! for more information, do not hesitate to ask and contact! :D:D:D

man ie pishnahad mikonam bet, ia too in blog ia tooie bloge dige, iekam bishtar dar morede kaaret va memari benevis. kheili kaare jazabie, alaave bar oon kolli adame jadid bet vasl misham